Dutch Green Building Week 2024: Together towards a sustainable future

A new edition of the Dutch Green Building Week with the theme “Together towards a sustainable future” will take place from 30 September to 4 October. This national campaign week for sustainable building, renovation, and development is an initiative of the Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC). A key element is the free DGBW Congress, featuring speakers such as Marit Bouwmeester and CFP Green Buildings. 

During Dutch Green Building Week, various parties, including DGBC, the government, and market players, will share real-life examples and provide practical tools to take the next steps towards sustainability. Together, we are “sailing towards” a future-proof built environment! The week is an excellent opportunity to expand or share knowledge, as well as to network.

DGBW Congres

Part of the Dutch Green Building Week is the DGBW Congress, which will take place on 1 October at Titaan in The Hague. The afternoon will feature inspiring speakers, knowledge sessions, tours, and a networking reception. Participation is free.

Ingrid Thijssen, chair of VNO-NCW, will open the congress with a discussion on how she is guiding the business sector towards a sustainable future. Companies and governments are facing the significant challenge of bringing the economy and society within the planet’s limits within one generation. Economist Paul Schenderling will explain how to engage people with a narrative that departs from the concept of infinite economic growth.

Inspiration from top athletes

Top athletes Kim Lammers and Marit Bouwmeester will provide inspiring examples of how to get people moving, both literally and figuratively, for sustainability and the climate. Lammers will chair the congress, and Bouwmeester will share how she reached the top and what businesses can learn from her journey. Joost Brinkman, founder of Cycling 4 Climate, will also guide participants on a sustainable course.

Subsessions: From renovation to housing challenges

Marit Bouwmeester, together with CFP Green Buildings, the gold sponsor of Dutch Green Building Week 2024, will lead one of the subsessions. These sessions will cover a range of current challenges, such as CO2 reduction, circularity, and climate adaptation in renovations. Is “building, building, building” really the solution to the housing crisis? Or are other strategies and solutions imaginable to create more homes, manage space sustainably, and achieve climate goals? Sanne van Manen from Platform Woonopgave and Frank Wassenberg from Platform31 will explore these questions. European legislation will also be extensively discussed, with the City of Rotterdam and other parties explaining what the EU Taxonomy means in practice.

Activities across the Netherlands

Throughout the week, DGBC partners and parties from the construction and real estate sectors will organise activities around the theme “Sailing together towards a sustainable Future” or other sustainability topics. The programme includes webinars and workshops on Paris Proof real estate, grid congestion, and circular construction. Other activities include a sustainable game and a boat trip showcasing examples of climate-adaptive construction and social sustainability. Organisations can still register to host activities.

Sailing towards a future-proof built environment 

With shifts in the political landscape, the market is increasingly being called upon to lead the way in sustainability. The frontrunners are setting the course. However, the construction and real estate sector still has a long way to go to reach the finish line. We face significant social and environmental challenges, from the housing crisis to the energy transition, climate mitigation, and adaptation. Where do you start? How do you finance sustainable solutions? How do you report on the actions taken? And how do you engage other parties to join the course towards a future-proof built environment? These and other topics will be addressed during various events and activities.

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CFP Green Buildings
J.C. Wilslaan 29
7313 HK Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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CFP Green Buildings
Onderwal 16
1411 LV Naarden
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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CFP Green Buildings
J.C. Wilslaan 29
7313 HK Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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