Hospitals following roadmap to CO2-neutral in 2050

For hospitals, sustainability and energy-neutral buildings are high on the agenda. Whereas formerly hospitals set goals for four-year periods, the horizon has now shifted to the next 30 years. Roadmaps to CO2 neutrality put the substance behind hospitals’ sustainable vision and ambition.

Long-term vision: energy-neutral buildings and CO2-neutral operations.

Most hospitals are currently hard at work on things like LED lighting and the adjustment of installations and solar panels. Although this reduces energy consumption per year, these are all measures that do not change the technical concept of the hospital. If hospitals really want to book big wins, a long-term vision is important.

Roadmaps to CO2-neutral in 2050

In order to be able to set a clear marker on the horizon, hospitals are currently working hard on roadmaps towards CO2 neutrality. This includes meeting the Paris targets, with hospitals setting themselves the goal of becoming CO2-neutral by 2050. For this, they have to switch to new concepts for their building systems.

Tailor-made roadmaps

TNO has drawn up a format for the roadmaps with a fixed table of contents and with a uniform structure and topics. It also describes the control procedures and progress. But every hospital has different facilities and a different environment, which is why it is important for each hospital to create a tailor-made roadmap. The Green Buildings Tool can assist with this.

Investing in the future

Hospitals will have to invest heavily in the future. Many sustainable innovations currently on the drawing board will ultimately have to be paid for. Therefore, drawing up a business case for the realisation of a future-proof building is crucial before hospitals start working on sustainability.

Six different scenarios

For one major medical center, Amsterdam’s AMC, CFP is working out six scenarios, including a payback model and a decision tree. This includes a complete re-examination of the existing technical concept, but also an analysis of technical innovations expected in the future.

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CFP Green Buildings
J.C. Wilslaan 29
7313 HK Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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CFP Green Buildings
Onderwal 16
1411 LV Naarden
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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CFP Green Buildings
J.C. Wilslaan 29
7313 HK Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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