Sustainability for colleague Karin Eijkholt: Small steps, big impact

As Backoffice Manager at CFP, Karin Eijkholt knows better than anyone how to make sustainability practical and achievable. Whether it’s conscious choices in her daily life or small changes she implements at the office, for her, sustainability isn’t an abstract concept but a way of life. In this interview, she shares her personal experiences and insights, showing how everyone can easily contribute to a more sustainable future.

Karin Eijkholt, Backoffice Manager at CFP

Karin works as the Backoffice Manager at CFP Green Buildings. Together with her team, they manage Finance, HR, Housing, and the organisation of CFP events. She lives in Apeldoorn, is married, and has a 13-year-old son. In her free time, she can often be found on the sidelines of her son’s hockey field, and when she’s not there, she’s trying to lower her golf handicap (currently 27.9).

Karin, can you share a specific moment or experience when you really became aware of the importance of sustainability? How did this change your perspective?

“Travelling is one of my biggest passions. I love discovering new natural areas, like the beautiful Veluwe, but our favourite travel destinations are Southern and Eastern Africa. There, I’ve truly experienced how special nature is. Whether I’m standing in Etosha, seeing the Victoria Falls, or face to face with a mountain gorilla, I realise every time: we must protect this. Nature is powerful and impressive, but also fragile. That changed my view on sustainability; we need to take better care of what we have.”

If you had to describe sustainability in three words, what would they be and why?

  1. Preservation – We must be careful with our natural resources. Nature is resilient, but even that elasticity can snap.
  2. Solutions – Think in terms of solutions and don’t make it too difficult. Every little bit helps. Try eating organic, go to the local farmer instead of the supermarket, and eat seasonal vegetables.
  3. Education – Learn, develop, and involve the youth. We took our son on safari when he was 4, and it made a huge impression on him.

Look at your own impact and discover where you can easily make improvements, without much effort or cost. Small changes together can make a big difference.Look at your own impact and discover where you can easily make improvements, without much effort or cost. Small changes together can make a big difference.

– Karin Eijkholt, Manager Backoffice at CFP

Can you give an example of how you integrate sustainability into your daily life or your work at CFP? Have you made any small changes that have had a big impact?

“I try to cycle to the office as much as possible, and at home, we’ve made the conscious decision to only have one car. We also diligently separate our waste – not my favourite task, but it’s necessary. We pay attention to our groceries: is it in season, can it be organic, what about preservatives? Palm oil-free products are now a standard feature on the lunch table at CFP, along with free-range and organic meat. We eat much less meat now than we did a year ago. But ultimately, everyone makes their own choices when it comes to sustainability, and I respect that.”

Want to work at CFP too?

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