CFP Green Buildings partners with CRREM to enhance portfolio carbon risk assessments

CFP Green Buildings has entered into a partnership with the Institut für Immobilienökonomie GmbH on behalf of CRREM II Partners to integrate CRREM’s Global Decarbonisation Pathways into the Green Buildings Tool. This collaboration aims to provide property owners and investors with a clearer understanding of the carbon emissions risks associated with their portfolios.

CRREM: A distinctive carbon risk assessment tool

The CRREM risk assessment tool offers a unique set of advantages that set it apart from other methodologies. Here’s why CRREM is distinctive: 

  1. Backed by Science Based Targets (SBTi): The methodology is grounded in Science Based Targets, ensuring a scientific and rigorous approach to carbon risk assessment. 
  2. Global Coverage: CRREM enjoys extensive global coverage, thanks to contributions from numerous industry initiatives, bodies, and organisations. This global perspective makes it a valuable tool for real estate portfolios with assets in diverse locations. 
  3. Tailored for Real Estate: Unlike generic carbon assessment tools, CRREM is specifically designed for the real estate sector. It recognises the unique challenges and opportunities in decarbonising real estate, providing tailored insights. 
  4. Transparent and Standardised: The methodology is transparent and standardised across regions and property types.  

Integration of CRREM into the Green Buildings Tool 

The integration of CRREM pathways into the Green Buildings Tool is a logical step forward, as CRREM is based on total carbon emissions, which was already being calculated within the Green Buildings tool. This seamless integration allows users to assess their properties against CRREM decarbonisation pathways, offering a valuable perspective on their current and future carbon performance.

“One notable advantage of CRREM is its applicability in regions without an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) framework. In such cases, assets can be benchmarked against the widely-accepted CRREM framework, enabling a fair evaluation of carbon performance. This is particularly beneficial when assessing assets across different countries that adopt varied EPC methodologies.”

Catherine Luyt, Product & Account Manager at CFP Green Buildings

Aligning your property with decarbonisation goals

The partnership empowers users of the Green Buildings Tool to leverage CRREM pathways, gaining insights into how their properties align with global decarbonisation goals. Future enhancements to the tool will include features such as predicting the year an asset may become stranded, no longer meeting the 1.5-degree decarbonisation target. Additionally, recommendations for retrofits will be provided to guide assets to align with the pathway. This move is crucial in the context of sustainability efforts, especially considering that not all EPC methodologies prioritise the decarbonisation of real estate adequately. CRREM’s focus on the operational consumption of real estate, as opposed to theoretical performance, aligns seamlessly with the growing demand for more accurate and actionable sustainability metrics.

The collaboration between CFP Green Buildings and CRREM marks a significant step towards more informed and sustainable decision-making in the real estate sector. The integration of CRREM pathways into the Green Buildings Tool enhances its capabilities, providing users with a powerful tool to navigate the complexities of carbon risk assessments and decarbonisation strategies.

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CFP Green Buildings
J.C. Wilslaan 29
7313 HK Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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CFP Green Buildings
J.C. Wilslaan 29
7313 HK Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)55 355 5199

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